Government's Database for Household Cleaners & Toxins

Time to take inventory to see if what you are using in your home could be causing health challenges for you and your family.  In my case, switching to non-toxic cleaners was a key component to getting my allergies under control. 

Are you aware that the government must post a public record of TOXINS in cleaning products?  
Check it out - simply enter the name of a cleaner that you use in your home and see the ingredients, toxic effects, etc.  

Decide to make a change that benefits you and your family.   I did.   

And, if you need more proof, check out this video called "Toxic Brew". 

You might decide to spring clean by taking a big garbage bag and gathering up all the toxic cleaners in your home and getting rid of them.   

Here are the non-toxic, concentrated cleaners that I use.....and I SAVE MONEY by using them.  A little goes a long ways.    GET CLEAN.       
#Safe, #Powerful, #Green, #Smart, #Clean, #Cost Effective

Shaklee Get Clean non-toxic concentrated cleaners are used by the White House cleaning staff.