Septic Tank with Legs

Septic Tank with Legs

Yes, that's what we are! This is a subject that we don't like to discuss, but it is necessary to KNOW how the intestines work if our goal is health.

Check your knowledge:  Do nutrients go from the liver to the intestines OR from the intestines to the liver? 

Did you know that over 90% of degenerative disease conditions can be related directly to intestinal stasis ---that is, a stagnant, fermenting condition within the bowels and related organs?  This doesn't necessarily correspond to actual known constipation.  A person can move his bowels many times a day and still be encumbered with dead cells, decaying food materials, poisonous chemicals, parasites, pus, mucus, etc. . . all of which contribute to the circulation of toxins throughout the whole body, giving rise to an endless chain of "disease" conditions.   

Know the story of the WATER HOSE?   Minerals accumulate against the side of a water hose, but the hose will still transport water . . . as long as there is a tiny opening.  Likewise, the bowel will still transport something as long as there is an opening. 

Is there a simple way to describe how the colon works?  Yes.  There are some 20 feet of small intestine in which the food is churned by what is called "peristaltic action".  This is the squeezing action that moves the food along the canal.  Innumerable glands are situated along the walls of the intestine.  These glands secrete digestive juices which, along with the bile from the liver, complete the process of digestion.
From the intestinal walls protrude millions of thread-like suction tubes (called VILLI).  These tubes perform much the same function as do the roots of the vegetables, as they suck up the water that is laden with nutritional values.  

Water is the vehicle of transportation.  As water floats the nutritional values out from among the indigestible roughage, the tiny suction tubes pick it up and empty it into the bloodstream.  (This is a specific section of the bloodstream, NOT the general circulation. ) 

This special section is what is known as the Portal Circulation.  The food substances taken from the intestine are NOT YET READY for assimilation.  They are first emptied into the Portal Vein and carried to the LIVER, the Master Chemist of the body.  The liver then filters, alters, stores, and rations out the nutrients to meet the needs of the body. 

To keep the colon moving, eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables.  And, if you need occasional help, seek out a natural herb product  (not a harsh laxative)  for the colon.  

Contact me for suggestions.