How do the cells of the body get their food?
In exactly the same manner as do all other cells in creation. WATER is the means of transportation. To better understand, let's look at the example of the smallest living animal known to science -- the Amoebae, or Protozoan, a one-cell animal.
Let's go down to the sea and dip up some water. Then, place a drop of that water under a microscope. What do we see? The Amoebae is constantly changing shape and darting about in search for food. It not only has the power to move about under its own power, but it has the intelligence to search out, accept, or reject certain food elements. It excretes its waste, and the water washes that waste material from the surface of its structure.
That is a perfect example of Nature's plan of nourishing all types of cells, be they animal or vegetable. Water is always used as the vehicle of transportation. The God-given intelligence of the cell directs its selection of food. Do you think that the ocean water contained more food substance than was required by that tiny animal? Of course, it did. Yet, the Amoebae devoured only that what it needed.